in News

Welcome to Bleed Geek: Movies

Welcome to Bleed Geek: Movies, a new Bleed Geek site for film fans.  The plan for this new site is to share movie news, trailers, and reviews.  For the film reviews we will be using a popcorn bucket scale, going from 1 bucket (cinematic crap), to 5 buckets (for amazing movies).

We will try to get up reviews of new movies as quickly as we can (probably a few days after release), and during weeks when there is nothing new at the theater that we are interested in, look for reviews of movies that are new to home video, or even some classics.

The Bleed Geek: Movies site has a calendar on the side of our homepage where you can look to see what movies will be released on a Friday, and what the DVD/Blu-ray releases will be on Tuesdays.

Finally as a part of the Bleed Geek family we are looking to add a new monthly feature to the Bleed Geek podcast where we will talk about movies, don’t worry though Mike and Randy will still fill you in on all of the latest tech news.  The current plan is to podcast on the 1st Thursday of the month, though we will keep you updated if that changes at all, and you can always check the sites calendar for when it will be.

We hope you enjoy the new site.