Episode 116; Is YouTube Bringing the NFL to Everyone?
In this episode we discuss Youtube talking to the NFL, Bradley Manning, Xbox One and PS4 launch news, Google going down, and a giant Lego tower.
In this episode we discuss Youtube talking to the NFL, Bradley Manning, Xbox One and PS4 launch news, Google going down, and a giant Lego tower.
In this weeks episode we discuss Tim Cook talking at the All Things D conference, Evernote getting two step, a new iPod Touch, the HTC One coming with stock Android, and Facebook getting verified.
In this episode we talk about the new Xbox One, Yahoo buying Tumblr, updates to Flickr, Twitter getting two step, Amazon making a bio-dome, and Airbnb.
In this episode we discuss the new Facebook Home, Samsung stores inside of Best Buy, Game of Thrones downloaded a bagillion times, iOS 7, Charlie Kindel, and Twitter cards.
In this episode we discuss Dropbox buying Mailbox, Samsung S Watch, Apple getting Adobe’s CTO, Eric Schmidt being crazy, Google Now, Google Keep, Google Babble, Google Fiber expanding, HTC is no longer a tier one phone maker, Amazon making a $99 HD Fire, Amazon now works for the CIA, and more.
In this episode we discuss Steven Sinofsky leaving Microsoft, Nokia’s new maps, and Apple and HTC working out their patent issues.
In this episode we discuss more Map-gate 2012, HTC phone names, T-Mobile joining up with MetroPCS, and movie news with Matt.
In this episode we discuss iOS 6, the Apple Map Catastrophe of 2012, new HTC Windows 8 phones, and Twitter pissing more people off.
For our one year show we are live from Cafe Zia in Roseville, we talk about the latest tech news, football updates and a bit about movies.
In this episode we discuss Twitter, Sprint, and some earnings news.