Daily Geek Report 03-06-2012

Happy Tuesday everyone!!!

Tomorrow’s the big day from Apple. Rumored to be announced the iPad 3 (HD or 2s) and possibly an Apple TV. Stay tuned to our feed to keep you up to date with what is being announced.

Yesterday we told you about the 25 billionth app that was downloaded from the App Store. A little more information has come about from Apple giving us a little more insight. The App was a puzzle app from Disney called “Where’s My Water”. The user who downloaded it was a guy from China. Granted it’s a cool prize. $10,000 to the iTunes store… I feel like it’d be difficult to spend this.

Onto my favorite subject. Hacker News. LulzSec and Anonymous have managed to make it into the news again in a BIG way. Usually it’s them defacing or flexing their i-muscles at the government or other authoritative figures. Looks like the FBI is getting their turn at some laughs. Sabu, the supposed leader of LulzSec has been apparently working with the authorities for the past month. In return, keeping him and his family safe. What did he have to do? He broke one of the biggest hacker rules. Protect Privacy. He turned on his brothers giving the feds names, alias’s, and ip addresses for 6 members of both LulzSec and Anonymous. These users from both within the United States as well as other countries have been extradited and are facing a large number of charges all of which can be read here:


Anonymous is the group taken most by this and have responded on twitter saying the following:

Don’t you get it by now? #Anonymous is an idea. #Anonymous is a movement. It will keep growing, adapting and evolving, no matter what.

#Anonymous is a hydra, cut off one head and we grow two back.

Anonymous has no leaders, we will still be stronger than ever. LulzSec has been dead for a while.

The #FBI does work for politicians after all, who are kept in office by the campaign donations of corporations.

Have a happy Tuesday!
-Bleed Geek

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