Ping is one of the more unique apps I have come across recently, I am not even sure what category it would belong to. The app is just for consumption, set it up at the beginning and it notifies you based on topics you have selected, it randomly just sends you push notifications through out the day.
When you first open the app it asks you to pick the categories you like, each has two levels, the first is things that will just appear in the stream within the app, and the second level actually sends you push notifications without being in the app at all. Some of the topic choices include; curiosities, apps worth downloading, random thoughts, today in history, and trending on Twitter. For me I hardly ever go into the actual app, maybe once or twice a month. I just get sent these notifications randomly though out the day. Sometimes they make me laugh, some let me know interesting facts. While it really serves no purpose other than random moments of amusement and information, I still enjoy the app a lot. I think it is in its own unique space.
Some of my favorite recent Pings;
* Half of infinity is still infinity. Random Thoughts
* Ochlocracy: government by the masses. So presumably every American Idol winner would be president. Word of the Day
* New York City is further south than Rome, Italy. Curiosities
* The total sum of the numbers on a roulette wheel is 666. Curiosities